
Products & Services
  • Control

    Yokogawa offers automation and control strategies, architectures, and solutions for every application size and complexity.

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  • Measurement

    With its highly reliable measurement technology, Yokogawa is able to offer an extensive lineup of product solutions that deliver new value to our customers by bringing together operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT).

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  • Project Execution Services

    Innovative, world-class project implementation capabilities, built on a strong track record of success all over the globe. As your automation partner, Yokogawa delivers a total automation solution, covering the entire project lifecycle.

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  • Lifecycle Services

    Maintenance capabilities backed by extensive experience gained from working closely with our customers allow us to optimize operations over the entire plant lifecycle.

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  • Life Science

    Yokogawa’s high content analysis systems and dual spinning disk confocal technologies provide high-speed and high-resolution live cell imaging, enabling leading-edge research around the world.

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