
Vybrané Témy

Vybrané Témy

  • Industry Segment Topics

    Yokogawa thoroughly revised its long-term business framework in 2021, envisioning what it shall strive to become and charting an ideal path to achieve this. Accordingly, the company restructured its industrial automation and control business, replacing product- and function-based units with those focused on industry types.

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  • About OpreX

    OpreX is the all-new comprehensive brand for Yokogawa’s industrial automation and control business. The OpreX brand stands for excellence in the technology and solutions that Yokogawa cultivates through the co-creation of value with its customers.

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  • System of Systems

    A collection of independently operated and managed systems connected to form a larger system that delivers synergies and emergent value to all stakeholders in a plant, enterprise, supply chain, or society ecosystem.

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  • IA2IA

    IA2IA is what Yokogawa foresees as the transition from Industrial Automation to Industrial Autonomy.

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  • Digital Transformation

    With Yokogawa's wide knowledge of and expertise in process manufacturing, Yokogawa can help bring about the realization of a digital transformation that will lead to a better future for its customers.

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  • Robot and Drone Technology

    The robot and drone solutions aim to achieve unattended operations in plants and augment human capabilities by utilizing the advanced robot and drone technologies to conduct autonomous inspections.

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