
SIL Verification

SIL selection ensures legislative safety requirements are met prior to final plant design — avoiding costly redesign and rework of the process safety system — by determining the intended SIS design meets all safety targets specified in the SIL selection workshops.

Customer Challenges

Ensuring legislative safety requirements are met prior to final plant design and avoidance of costly re-design and rework of the process safety system.

Our Solution

Yokogawa Functional Safety Experts determine if the intended SIS design meets all safety targets as specified in the SIL Selection workshops. During the verification process, if SIFs are found not to meet their target SIL, Yokogawa experts will investigate options and advise the best course of action to take to reach a resolution for all issues discovered.

Customer Benefits

Carrying out this exercise early is insurance for plant designers to avoid costly re-design and associated rework, due to the inability to meet safety requirements in later stages of the project. Using Reliability Block Diagrams, Fault Tree Modelling and Yokogawa’s proprietary field tested SIL Verification (RSV) tool, we provide our clients with

  • A comprehensive report on Verified SIFs
  • Assurance that the SIS design meets required safety level

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