
Cybersecurity Awareness & Training

Despite the best cyber defenses, human error leads to many cyber incidents, due to a lack of cybersecurity knowledge and awareness.
The increasing number of cybersecurity threats to industrial control systems (ICS) means that better resilient cybersecurity protection is needed. An organization must employ security professionals and control system engineers having security awareness, work-specific knowledge, and hands-on technical skills required to secure automation and control systems.
A resilient cybersecurity program is all about the ability to not only deter and resist attacks but also to detect and recover from them, returning to regular operation with minimal downtime. Knowing what cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities are is the first step in minimizing your cybersecurity risks.

Yokogawa’s cybersecurity awareness & training services

Yokogawa believes that educational awareness and training are essential cybersecurity controls that should be in place in the first step.
Yokogawa supports customers with tailored training programs, either remotely or on-site as needed, addressing appropriate content based on IEC62443 global security standard for ICS while also considering required national and specific industrial standards. The training programs provide cybersecurity knowledge and skills to different functional levels and responsibilities within the organization that enables our customers to build the safe ICS (Industrial Control Systems) environment.
There is a range of training courses, basic or advanced to suit your goals. We always keep refreshing the courses with up-to-date security matters and advise our customers to strengthen their employees’ security knowledge.

Cybersecurity Awareness & Training

Customer benefits of following the cybersecurity awareness & training

By leveraging our best practices and wealth of experience, customers can safely conduct their daily work and achieve the highest business continuity plan with the following essentials knowledge;

  • Understanding the necessity of ICS cybersecurity
  • Understanding of the risks involved in ICS without cybersecurity
  • Ability to perform secured operation in align with defined policies & procedures within the organization
  • Understanding how to respond correctly and quickly to cybersecurity incidents
  • Growing the cyber intelligent knowledge and ability to tackle the new challenges with innovative industrial transformation

    customer benefit



Network and system security is now a necessity in process automation industry. YOKOGAWA provides a service lifecycle solution for cyber security to ensure that the security measures and deployments are continuously enhanced, monitored and inspected.

This white paper explains the details of the security design, implementation, operation and validation solutions from the technical perspective.

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