
Digital Transformation (DX): Discovery Workshop

A growing number of industrial companies are envisioning a digital transformation (DX) in operations and manufacturing to support company-wide strategies for growth, innovation, and sustainability. According to Gartner, enterprise digitalization reached a tipping point in 2019, and over 95% of organizations have initiated CIO-level digitalization efforts.

While DX has become a strategic imperative, operations must consider risks and margins, especially since more than 70% of DX initiatives have failed.

DX Statistics

95% 70% 5%
of organizations have a DX initiative of DX initiatives have failed of DX journeys are successfully executed

Top Reasons for Failure

Misalignment among executives and managers about goals and strategies Misalignment among executives and managers about goals and strategies Failure to align tech and talent needs or having a talent deficiency in general Failure to align technology and talent needs or a general talent deficiency
Taking a technology-first approach Taking a technology-first approach Resistance to change, lack of organizational adoption Resistance to change or a lack of organizational adoption

Partnering for Success


of companies succeed at their digital transformation efforts with the aid of a partner.

The Road to Futureproof Results

DX is a daunting challenge with many interdependent factors, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution for manufacturers. However, when done correctly, DX can lead to future-proof results. But just as a company’s business strategy and operations are unique, so too is the approach to DX.

Of the organizations that were triumphant in their DX efforts, 71% accomplished that feat with the aid of a partner. Process industry companies need a business partner who starts by engaging and aligning with their goals, aspirations, and business strategies. DX is not just an event or a single project, it is a journey that should be carefully discovered, designed, and developed. The DX Framework of Yokogawa includes 3 consecutive phases:

Leveraging our decades of experience in process manufacturing plus our digital fluency, Yokogawa offers a Discovery Workshop to introduce the DX Framework, to help align your DX efforts, and to create organizational awareness. It is a starting point to layout a digitalization roadmap that thoughtfully considers people, processes, technology, assets, and data.

DX Framework

Discover digital opportunities for the organization and establish a digital transformation blueprint.


Organizational Alignment
Digital Maturity Assessment
Opportunity Identification


Digital Transformation Blueprint
DX Maturity Assessment Report
90-Day Action Plan

Figure: Overview of the main activities and deliverables of the Discover phase of the DX Framework.

Discovery Workshop Benefits and Deliverables

The program is designed to cultivate hologram effects throughout your organization by facilitating cross-functional participation. Participants will receive:

A Digital Maturity Assessment Report

Benchmark your current state of digital readiness versus your industry peers.

A High-Level Digital Transformation Blueprint

Outline your digital opportunities and align them to the strategic intent of your organization

90-Day Interim Action Plan

Capture low hanging fruits and next steps

Participants Profile

A DX workshop can facilitate cross-functional collaboration, silo breaking, empathy, and alignment between operations, engineering, IT, and business stakeholders. Our workshop is designed to help change agents, business leaders, and visionaries formulate and execute a pragmatic and justifiable transformation strategy to lead their business unit or organization through a digital disruption. Participants may be functional engineering, operations, IT, or business leaders, as well as decision-makers/influencers who are responsible for organizational DX initiatives.

Are You Ready to Step into the Future?

There are numerous disruptive technologies available, and Yokogawa can help you choose the right one for your organization.

Interested in learning more about our DX workshop? Complete the form above, and one of our DX experts will contact you.



Digital transformation is the novel use of digital technology to accelerate your company's business strategy.

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