
Privacy Policy

Yokogawa considers that protecting the security and privacy of your Personal Data is important. Thus, we will treat and secure your Personal Data with care and appropriate technology, and in compliance with applicable privacy laws.



This Privacy Policy explains how and why we collect and Process your Personal Data. The Personal Data that we Process about you depends on the context of your interactions with us, the products, the services and features that you use, your location, and the Applicable Privacy Laws.

1.    Definitions
-“Applicable Privacy Law” means the law or regulation on data privacy protection and personal data security applicable to you or your Personal Data.
-“GDPR” means the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.
-“Processing” means any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
-“Personal Data” or “Personal Information” means the personal information or personal data as defined by the Applicable Privacy Laws. It is generally information that could be used to identify you directly, or information that could be used indirectly (with other information) to identify you. This includes information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with you.  Personal Data, to the extent permitted by Applicable Privacy Law, does not include information that is publicly available, deidentified, or aggregated.
-“Yokogawa,” “us”, “we”, or “our” means [add applicable Yokogawa entity].


When you are visiting our websites or using our other products and/or services, we Process information (including Personal Data) which you voluntarily provided about yourself, or which has been generated by us in connection with your visit to our website or use of our products and/or services, as permitted by Applicable Privacy Laws.

1.    We may process your Personal Data for the following purposes

We process your Personal Data for the following purposes:
•    To verify your identity
•    To answer your requests or inquiries
•    To allow our representative to contact you for the performance of a contract or an order that we have received
•    To provide you with access to specific information
•    To send you marketing information
•    To analyze and better understand your business needs and improve our products and services
•    To personalize your experience
•    To contact you in the context of customer satisfaction surveys or requests for feedback
•    To detect and prevent illegal activity, including fraud
•    To keep our websites, applications and information technology systems secure
•    As reasonably necessary to enforce our terms, to establish or preserve a legal claim or defense, to prevent fraud or other illegal activities, including attacks on our information technology systems.

2.    Categories of Personal Data we process

The categories of Personal Data may include the following:
•    Your professional identifiers and contact information, such as full name, job position, work address, work telephone number, work mobile phone number and work email address;
•    Information about your professional experience;
•    Information submitted as part of a troubleshooting technical assistance or support request, or as part of a survey, chat, feedback or comment;
•    Information about your interactions with our website and applications, or advertisements and services accessed during your visit, the date and time of each visitor request; and
•    Information about your device and user identifier, information on your operating system; internet and other electronic network activity information.

3.    How We Collect your Personal Data

We collect your Personal Data in a number of different ways including:
•    Personal Data that you provide by filling in forms on our websites;
•    Information you submitted as part of a support request, feedback, survey or comment;
•    Information from your online interactions through cookies and similar tracking technologies;
•    Information within communications between you and us (such as emails and live chats);
•    Information from third party data providers to whom you have given your permission to share your data (for instance, LinkedIn);
•    Information from other transactions (for instance, an existing agreement); and
•    Information from your other interactions with us (for instance, e-business cards).


The legal basis for our Processing of your Personal Data is:

Contract Performance (Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR) and/or Legitimate Interest (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR)
•    To verify your identity
•    To answer your requests or inquiries
•    To allow our representative to contact you for the performance of a contract or an order that we have received.
•    To provide you with access to specific information

Consent (Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR) and/or Legitimate Interest (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR)

•    To send you marketing information
•    To analyze and better understand your business needs and improve our products and services
•    To personalize your experience
•    To contact you in the context of customer satisfaction surveys or requests for feedback
Compliance with Legal Obligations (Article 6 (1) (c) GDPR and/or Legitimate Interest (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR)
•    To detect and prevent illegal activity, including fraud
•    To keep our websites, applications and information technology systems secure
•    As reasonably necessary to enforce our terms, to establish or preserve a legal claim or defense, to prevent fraud or other illegal activities, including attacks on our information technology systems


Unless indicated otherwise at the time of the collection of your Personal Data (e.g. within a form completed by you), we erase or anonymize your Personal Data if the retention of that Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which the Personal Data was collected or otherwise Processed, or to comply with applicable laws and our legal obligations under applicable laws (such as retention obligations under tax or commercial laws). We may also retain your Personal Data as long as we need your Personal Data to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim.


The security of your Personal Data is important to us. To protect your Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, use, or alteration and against unauthorized disclosure or access, we use and maintain appropriate physical, technical and organizational security measures. This includes assuring that third-party service providers who access or handle Personal Data on our behalf maintain such safeguards. Please help keep your Personal Data secured by keeping your password confidential, changing it from time to time and protecting your computer or mobile against unauthorized access.


Yokogawa may transfer your Personal Data to (subject to Applicable Privacy Laws);
•    our affiliated companies;
•    business partners in connection with the purposes or our business relationship with you;
•    business partners who provide us IT services and who process such Personal Data only for the purpose of such services (e.g., providing cloud service or IT maintenance and support services);
•    prospective or actual purchasers in the framework of any business operations affecting our group, such as mergers and acquisitions;
•    public authorities when required to make such disclosure pursuant to applicable laws and regulations; and
•    third parties in connection with complying with legal obligations or establishing, exercising or defending rights or claims (e.g., for court and arbitration proceedings, to regulators, law enforcement and government authorities, to attorneys and consultants).

In the event that we transfer your Personal Data outside the European Economic Area (the ‘EEA’), we ensure that your data is protected in a manner which is consistent with the Applicable Privacy Laws. Therefore, and if required by Applicable Privacy Laws, we take the following measures:
•    We share your Personal Data with affiliated companies outside the EEA only under an applicable adequacy decision or if we have a data transfer agreement with the EU Standard Contractual Clauses incorporated.
•    We transfer Personal Data to third parties outside the EEA only under an applicable adequacy decision or if the recipient has (i) entered into EU Standard Contractual Clauses with us or (ii) implemented Binding Corporate Rules in their organization. You may request further information about the safeguards implemented in relation to specific transfers by contacting our Data Privacy Organization for the EEA.


In case you are located in the EEA, or the data controller is located in the EEA, the following applies:
If you have declared your consent regarding certain processing of your Personal Data, you can withdraw this consent at any time by contacting our EEA Data Privacy Contact (please find the contact details below).
Please note that the below-mentioned rights might be modified under the Applicable Privacy Laws. To the extent that the GDPR applies, you may have the following rights in relation to our processing of your Personal Data:

(i)    Right to request access to your Personal Data
You may have the right to request access to the Personal Data processed by us. Under such request we will provide you with information on our purposes for the processing of your Personal Data, the categories of Personal Data concerned, and the recipients or categories of recipients to whom we have disclosed or will disclose your Personal Data.
You may have the right to obtain a copy of your Personal Data processed by us. For additional copies, we may charge a reasonable fee based on our administrative costs.

(ii)    Right to request rectification
You may have the right to request from us the rectification of inaccurate Personal Data concerning you. Depending on our purpose for the processing, you may have the right to have incomplete Personal Data completed.

(iii)    Right to request erasure (right to be forgotten)
You may have the right to request from us the erasure of Personal Data concerning you and we may be obliged to erase such Personal Data.

(iv)    Right to request restriction of processing
You may have the right to obtain from us restriction of our processing of your Personal Data. In such case, your Personal Data will be marked and will only be processed by us for certain purposes.

(v)    Right to request data portability
You may have the right to receive the Personal Data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and you may have the right to transmit those data to another entity without hindrance from us.

(vi)    Right to object
You may have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to our processing of your Personal Data and we might be required to stop processing your Personal Data. The right to object may especially apply if Yokogawa collects and processes your Personal Data for profiling purposes in order to better understand your business interests in Yokogawa’s products and services. Further you may object to the use of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes. If you have a right to object and you exercise this right, your Personal Data will no longer be processed for the objected purposes by us. Note that the right to object may not exist if our processing of your Personal Data is necessary to take steps prior to entering into a contract or to perform a contract already concluded with you.

(vii)    Right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority
You can execute this right at a supervisory authority in particular in the EEA Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement.
For more contact information click here


Our Data Privacy Organisation for the EEA can be contacted at:
Yokogawa Europe B.V.
Address: Euroweg 2, 3825 HD Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Attention: Data Privacy Organisation

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