
Sustainable Safety Lifecycle Solution

Yokogawa recognizes the continuous challenges for plant owners to efficiently maintain process safety integrity throughout the whole life cycle of their plant. Yokogawa’s Sustainable SIS (SSIS) solution is a holistic approach to ensuring that optimum safety performance is realized and maintainable throughout the lifetime of your plant. Yokogawaʼs SSIS solution effectively allows you to retake ownership of your process safety environment by making it comprehensible, manageable, compliant and secure. SSIS provides peace of mind allowing you to focus on your core business.

Learn more

Sustainable Safety Instrumented Systems Infographic

How can you comply to safety effectively, revenue maximization and operational cost reductions for your Process Plant? You can achieve it with Sustainable SIS. Have a quick understanding of Sustainable SIS by viewing the Infographic.

Sustainable Safety Instrumented Systems White Paper

Learn more about Sustainable SIS from the whitepaper. The whitepaper content is undertaken by Frost & Sullivan.


Sustainable SIS catalog

Understand Yokogawa’s key enabler and technology to realize Sustainable SIS in your Process Plant.

Sustainable Safety Instrumented Systems Infographic

Exaquantum Safety Function Monitoring (SFM) is a software solution to help manage and oversee the operational safety performance throughout the lifecycle of the safety system.




  • Exaquantum Safety Function Monitoring (2.9 MB)
  • Sustainable SIS (7.3 MB)



Sustainable Plant is Yokogawa's concept to maintain and improve the installed automation system


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