
Safety Performance Indicator and Monitoring (Exaquantum/SFM)

Yokogawa's plant-wide safety monitoring solution provides analysis and reporting, helping customers monitor the performance effectiveness of defined SIS (Safety Instrumented Systems) against their design targets.

  • Integrates data from the safety systems, control systems, HAZOP and LOPA
  • Identifies safety design deviations, which typically require extensive manual analysis
  • Can be used to intelligently monitor and validate the correlated information, independent of system vendor

Customer Challenge

Most facilities collect large amounts of safety data from several sources. Making sense of this data can be challenging, especially when applying HAZOP and LOPA safety designs.

Having large amounts of data without access to rationally compiled safety KPIs and reports makes the current performance of a facility difficult to understand and compare against design expectations. This can compromise both the understanding and decision making of which safety elements require attention, especially those which impinge on the safety design.

Our Solutions

Exaquantum/SFM has helped improved facilities in several industries including Oil and Gas Production, Oil and Gas Midstream, Refining and Petrochemicals, Chemicals, Power and Energy.


  • Plant-wide Monitoring, analysis and reporting of functional safety performance, across safety systems (SIS) and devices (sensors, actuators).
  • Operational information from system and device activity is mapped against LOPA or HAZOP risk analysis to report the effectiveness of actual safety performance against the design targets.
  • Deviations from safety design expectation are highlighted, and supports maintenance test replacements with successful field safety activation's by assisting validation.

Customer Benefits

Benefits of our safety function monitoring solution include:

  • Improved operational safety
  • Visibility of safety performance at both system and device level
  • Identify and reduce spurious trips
  • Optimization of testing intervals
  • Significant reduction in time and effort to produce regulatory reports
  • Provides comprehensive information for safety validation and improvement programs
  • Quickly identify safety events such as SIF Activations, Overrides/Inhibits and Protection Layer Availability to increase user efficiency and accuracy
  • Benchmark safety performance against design expectations to highlight variations that may indicate possible safety issues

Enabling Technology

Exaquantum/PIMS R3.01 is the latest release of Yokogawa’s Plant Information Management System. This version encapsulates high performance and increased scalability, enhancing user experience with tablet support and powerful new engineering tools. We compare it to a thoroughbred racing car; tuned and aerodynamically styled to deliver optimum driver satisfaction.

Looking for more information on our people, technology and solutions?

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