
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Selection

The challenges faced by facilities include accurately budgeting for process safety equipment and allowing for the protection of people and plant, while complying with government regulations. Through following the Hazards and Risk Assessment, the IEC 61511 safety lifecycle model requires that identified SIFs are assigned a target measure of their reliability to perform the safety function.

Customer Challenges

Accurately budgeting for process safety equipment, allowing for the protection of people and plant whilst complying with government regulations.

Our Solution

Following the Hazards and Risk Assessment, the IEC 61511 safety lifecycle model requires that identified SIFs are assigned a target measure of their reliability to perform the safety function.

Yokogawa Functional Safety Experts facilitate this process in allocating Safety Integrity Levels (SIL) to your plant SIFs. This facilitation is achieved through a SIL Selection Workshop, where all required and critical information is collated providing comprehensive information to accurately select the safety integrity levels.

Customer Benefits

Yokogawa Functional Safety Experts provide a comprehensive and accurate result, to help you protect people, plant assets, and comply with legislation, while at the same time ensuring that expenditure on equipment is budgeted realistically. Using industry proven methods, which include Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA), Risk Graphs and Risk Matrix in SIL Selection workshops, our clients are provided with:

  • A comprehensive list of all uniquely identified SIFs
  • The SIL target for each SIF with respect to People protection, Environmental protection and Asset protection.
  • Allocation of safety requirements to all layers of protection

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