
Strong teamwork with robot dogs ANYmal and Spot

Every robot has advantages and disadvantages, think ATEX, stair climbing, or the addition of robotic arms, but... they all have a different control system. How do you make use of all the advantages of robotics and control it from a location/platform?

Demonstration of the platform

Yokogawa will demonstrate the capabilities of our brand-new Robot Fleet Management Platform from 17 to 19 April. This platform allows robots such as ANYmal, Spot, and drones to operate from a single system for autonomous missions.

Unique opportunity to see ANYmal operate in the Netherlands

For this purpose, we will have ANYmal from ANYbotics specially brought over from Switzerland. A unique opportunity to discover the collaboration between SPOT from Boston Dynamics and ANYmal on joint autonomous missions. The demos will take place in Amersfoort from 17 to 19 April.

Interested? Do contact one of our account managers.

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