
FlowCam VisualSpreadsheet

VisualSpreadsheet is a powerful software application that allows you to interact with the particle images captured by the FlowCam.

Improving on other spreadsheet software programs that only allow you to sort and filter rows of numeric data, VisualSpreadsheet gives you the ability to sort and filter actual images.

Ultimately this provides you with a more in-depth analysis of your sample and a better understanding of your data.

VisualSpreadsheet turns your data into insight!

Download eBook: The Ultimate Guide to Flow Imaging Microscopy

The VisualSpreadsheet Difference

  • Sort and filter particle data based upon criteria you supply - results are displayed immediately as particle images instead of numbers.

  • Accomplish complex particle filtering in seconds with immediate visual feedback - find and display all similar-type particles in a heterogeneous sample with sophisticated pattern recognition capabilities.

  • Create and save defined particle type libraries - compare incoming FlowCam data against one or more libraries to instantly enumerate concentrations of specific particle types.

  • 21 CFR Part 11 compliant software package available.

VisualSpreadsheet is included with all FlowCam instruments. Satellite versions are also available so you can work with your FlowCam data remotely, on your own computer anywhere.

Capture Over 40 Unique Particle Measurements

  • Basic Shape Measurements Include: Equivalent Spherical Diameter (ESD), Area Based Diameter (ABD), Length, Width, Aspect Ratio, Area, Volume Advanced

  • Morphology Measurements Include: Circularity, Elongation, Compactness, Circle Fit, Perimeter, Convex Perimeter, Edge Gradient, Fiber Curl

  • Gray-Scale and Color Measurements Include: Intensity, Average Intensity, Sigma Intensity, Transparency, Average Red, Green, Blue, R/G Ratio, R/B Ratio, G/B Ratio

VisualSpreadsheet version 5 represents the biggest software update in Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies' history. Moving away from a simple hierarchy of folders, the newest version of VisualSpreadsheet utilizes a database structure. Rather than accessing runs (formerly called list files) one at a time, the new software allows you to open and view multiple runs simultaneously. You can now perform time series, trend and batch analyses with the new capability to load, combine and analyze large data sets. The new database normalizes and stores files systematically, which:

  • Improves data retrieval
  • Speeds processing time
  • Increases file stability

FlowCam and VisualSpreadsheet are trade mark.



YOKOGAWA will contribute to technology evolution particularly in measurement and analytical tools to help build a world where researchers will increasingly focus on insightful interpretation of data, and advancing Life Science to benefit humanity.

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