
Financial Results

Information of Financial Results

Item Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2024
Date August 6, 2024, from 18:00- (planned)
Place Zoom Webinars (Japanese only)
Speaker Director, Vice President & Executive Officer,
Head of Accounting & Treasury Headquarters
Michiko Nakajima


Full Year

  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2023 (Slides) (PDF: 2.07MB/36P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2023 and Medium-term Business Plan Fiscal Years 2024-2028 (Script Including Q&A)  (PDF: 6.9MB/57P)
  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2023 (PDF: 485KB/22P)
  • Medium-term Business Plan Fiscal Years 2024-2028 (PDF: 3.56MB/42P)

3rd Quarter

  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2023 (Slides) (PDF: 1.16MB/31P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2023 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 1.98MB/20P)
  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2023 (PDF: 316KB/13P)
  • Notice Regarding the Revision of Consolidated Business Forecast and Dividend Increase Forecast for the Year Ending March 31, 2024 (PDF: 143KB/2P)

1st Half

  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2023 (Slides) (PDF: 2.02MB/43P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2023 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 3.46MB/29P)
  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2023 (PDF: 328KB/15P)
  • Notice Regarding the Revision of Consolidated Business Forecast for the Year Ending March 31, 2024 (PDF: 139KB/1P)

1st Quarter

  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2023 (Slides) (PDF: 1.22MB/30P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2023 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 1.27MB/17P)
  • Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2023 (PDF: 175KB/12P)
  • Notice Concerning the Recording of Extraordinary Income due to the Sale of Investment Securities (PDF: 105KB/1P)


Full Year

  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2022 (Slides)(PDF: 2.28MB/53P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2022 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 4.06MB/42P)
  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2022 (PDF: 441KB/25P)
  • Announcement on Differences between FY2022 Forecast and Consolidated Financial Results (PDF: 138KB/1P)
  • Notice Concerning Determination of Matters Related to Acquisition of Own Shares (PDF: 105KB/1P)
  • Notice Concerning the Recording of Extraordinary Income due to the Sale of Investment Securities (PDF: 98KB/1P)

3rd Quarter

  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022 (Slides) (PDF: 1.14MB/30P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 1.52MB/20P)
  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022 (PDF: 324KB/14P)

1st Half

  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2022 (Slides) (PDF: 2.12MB/44P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2022 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 2.97MB/27P)
  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2022 (PDF: 328KB/15P)

1st Quarter

  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022 (Slides) (PDF: 1.29MB/29P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 1.29MB/29P)
  • Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2022 (PDF: 364KB/13P)


Full Year

  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2021 (PDF: 310KB/22P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2021 (Slides)(PDF: 2.73MB/55P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2021 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 4.37MB/36P)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 (PDF: 231KB/13P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 (Slides) (PDF: 1.15MB/28P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 1.59MB/19P)

1st Half

  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2021 (PDF: 228KB/16P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2021 (Slides) (PDF: 2.09MB/38P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2021 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 3.55MB/30P)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 (PDF: 309KB/12P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 (Slides) (PDF: 1.11MB/28P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 1.57MB/15P)


Full Year

  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2020 (PDF: 308KB/23P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2020 (Slides)(PDF: 1.12MB/30P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2020 and Mid-term Business Plan Fiscal Years 2021-2023 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF: 5.08MB/67P)
  • Mid-term Business Plan Fiscal Years 2021-2023 (PDF: 3.03MB/41P)
  • Notice Regarding the Recording of Extraordinary Loss (Impairment Loss) in Non-consolidated Financial Statements (PDF: 147KB/1P)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 (PDF: 203KB/12P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 (Slides) (PDF: 1.26MB/29P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF:2.91MB/35P)

1st Half

  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2020 (PDF: 218KB/16P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2020 (Slides) (PDF: 3.59MB/52P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2020 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF:3.1MB/42P)
  • Notice Regarding the Revision of Consolidated Business Forecast for the Year Ending March 31, 2021 and Resolution of Interim Dividend (PDF: 153KB/2P)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 (PDF: 205KB/13P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 (Slides) (PDF: 1.42MB/30P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2020 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF:2.6MB/22P)
  • Notice Regarding the Consolidated Business Forecast and Dividend Forecast for the Year Ending March 31, 2021 (PDF: 136KB/2P)


Full Year

  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2019 (PDF: 271KB/21P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2019 (Slides) (PDF: 3.86MB/49P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2019 (Script Including Q&A) (PDF:4.97MB/31P)
  • Presentation of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2019 (Playable with a PC, Tablet PC or Smartphone)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 (PDF: 229KB/14P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 (Slides) (PDF: 2.94MB/36P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 (Slides & Notes) (PDF: 6.68MB/36P)
  • Notice Regarding the Recording of Extraordinary Losses (Impairment Loss) and Adjustments to the Consolidated Business Forecast for the Year Ending March 31, 2020 (PDF: 161KB/3P)
  • Summary of Questions and Answers at Briefing on Financial Results for FY2019 3Q (PDF: 300KB/3P)

1st Half

  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2019 (PDF: 232KB/14P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2019 (Slides) (PDF: 2.3MB/47P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2019 (Slides & Notes) (PDF: 7.37MB/47P)
  • Summary of Questions and Answers at Briefing on Financial Results for FY2019 1H (PDF: 230KB/2P)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 (PDF: 217KB/12P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 (Slides) (PDF: 1.6MB/27P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 (Slides & Notes) (PDF: 4.33MB/27P)
  • Summary of Questions and Answers at Briefing on Financial Results for 1Q FY2019 (PDF: 183KB/2P)


Full year

  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2018 (PDF: 275KB/21P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2018 (Slides) (PDF: 2.71MB/53P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2018 (Slides & Notes) (PDF: 9.04MB/53P)
  • Presentation of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2018 (Playable with a PC, Tablet PC or Smartphone) (Close)
  • Summary of Questions and Answers at Briefing on Financial Results for FY2018 (PDF: 303KB/3P)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2018 (PDF: 217KB/12P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2018 (Slides & Notes) (PDF: 4.55MB/28P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2018 (Slides) (PDF: 1.51MB/28P)
  • Summary of Questions and Answers at Briefing on Financial Results for FY2018 3Q (PDF: 288KB/2P)

1st Half

  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2018 (PDF: 257KB/15P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2018 (Slides) (PDF: 3.12MB/47P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2018 (Slides & Notes) (PDF: 7.01MB/47P)
  • Presentation of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2018 (Playable with a PC, Tablet PC or Smartphone) (Close)
  • Summary of Q&A at FY2018 1H Financial Results Briefing (PDF: 293KB/3P)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2018 (PDF: 188KB/12P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2018 (Slides) (PDF: 1.01MB/23P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2018 (Slides & Notes) (PDF: 3.8MB/23P)
  • Summary of Q&A at FY2018 1Q Financial Results Briefing (PDF: 288KB/2P)


Full Year

  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2017 (PDF: 488KB/21P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2017 (PDF: 1.05MB/26P)
  • Mid-term Business Plan Fiscal Years 2018-2020 (PDF: 2.2MB/32P)
  • Presentation of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2017 (Playable with a PC, Tablet PC or Smartphone) (Close)
  • Notice Regarding Introduction of New Performance-Linked Stock Compensation Plan (PDF: 224KB/6P)
  • Summary of Questions and Answers at Briefing on Financial Results for FY2017 (PDF: 306KB/3P)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2017 (PDF: 184KB/13P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2017 (PDF: 3.18MB/27P)
  • Notice Regarding the Recording of Extraordinary Losses (Impairment Loss) and Adjustments to the Consolidated Business Forecast for the Year Ending March 31, 2018 (PDF: 150KB/2P)
  • Presentation of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2017 (Playable with a PC, Tablet PC or Smartphone) (Close)
  • Summary of Questions and Answers at Briefing on Financial Results for FY2017 3Q (PDF: 319KB/2P)

1st Half

  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2017 (PDF: 174KB/12P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2017 (PDF: 2.87MB/32P)
  • Yokogawa's Challenges to Create Value for Customers (PDF: 2.6MB/16P)
  • Presentation of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2017 (Playable with a PC, Tablet PC or Smartphone) (Close)
  • Summary of Questions and Answers at Briefing on Financial Results for FY2017 1H (PDF: 283KB/2P)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2017 (PDF: 164KB/11P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2017 (PDF: 880KB/22P)
  • Introduction of 2017 Yokogawa Report (PDF: 2.16MB/8P)
  • Summary of Questions and Answers at Briefing on Financial Results for 1Q FY2017 (PDF: 282KB/2P)


Full Year

  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF: 264KB/22P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF: 2.67MB/50P)
  • Presentation of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2016 (Playable with a PC, Tablet PC or Smartphone) (Close)
  • Summary of Q&A at FY2016 Financial Results Briefing (PDF: 331KB/3P)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF: 175KB/13P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF: 731KB/22P)
  • Summary of Q&A at FY2016 3Q Financial Results Briefing (PDF: 364KB/3P)

1st Half

  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF: 185KB/14P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF: 1.54MB/31P)
  • Yokogawa's Solution Services (PDF: 2.43MB/20P)
  • Presentation of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2016 (Playable with a PC, Tablet PC or Smartphone) (Close)
  • Summary of Q&A at FY2016 1H Financial Results Briefing (PDF: 362KB/2P)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF: 174KB/13P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2016 (PDF: 741KB/22P)
  • Summary of Q&A at FY2016 1Q Financial Results Briefing (PDF: 316KB/2P)


Full Year

  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2015 (PDF: 418KB/22P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2015 (PDF: 2.35MB/50P)
  • Presentation of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2015 (Windows Media Player) (Close)
  • Summary of Q&A at FY2015 Financial Results Briefing (PDF: 323KB/2P)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 (PDF: 180KB/13P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 (PDF: 730KB/19P)
  • Summary of Q&A at FY2015 3Q Financial Results Briefing (PDF: 293KB/2P)

1st Half

  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2015 (PDF: 182KB/13P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2015 (PDF: 721KB/20P)
  • Current Situation and Future Direction (PDF: 1.94MB/22P)
  • Presentation of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2015 (Windows Media Player) (Close)
  • Summary of Q&A at FY2015 1H Financial Results Briefing (PDF: 301KB/1P)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015 (PDF: 178KB/14P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2015(PDF: 675KB/20P)
  • Notice Regarding a Simple Share Exchange That Will Make Yokogawa Denshikiki Corporation a Wholly-owned Subsidiary of Yokogawa Electric (PDF: 141KB/4P)
  • Summary of Q&A at FY2015 1Q Financial Results Briefing (PDF: 285KB/1P)


Full Year

  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2014 (PDF: 766KB/20P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2014 (PDF: 707KB/22P)
  • Mid-term Business Plan Fiscal Years 2015-2017 (PDF: 2.3MB/31P)
  • Notice of dividend forecast for FY2015 including 100th anniversary commemorative dividend (PDF: 87KB/1P)
  • Summary of Q&A on FY2014 Financial Results (PDF: 273KB/1P)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 (PDF: 273KB/10P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 (PDF: 1.04MB/19P)
  • Posting of extraordinary income on sale of leasehold rights and buildings (PDF: 69KB/1P)

1st Half

  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2014 (PDF: 298KB/12P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2014 (PDF: 1.38MB/22P)
  • Yokogawa Industrial Automation - Solutions Service Business - (PDF: 793KB/10P)
  • Revision of Financial and Dividend Forecast for Fiscal Year 2014 (PDF: 87KB/2P)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 (PDF: 269KB/10P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2014 (PDF: 751KB/16P)

Analyst meeting

  • Daiwa Investment Conference Tokyo 2015 (PDF: 1.7MB/30P)


Full Year

  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF: 396KB/19P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF: 601KB/22P)
  • Our Groupwide Approach (PDF: 1,300KB/24P)
  • Non-renewal of Countermeasures to Large-scale Acquisitions of Yokogawa Electric Shares (Takeover Defense Measures) (PDF: 89KB/1P)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF: 429KB/12P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF: 527KB/22P)

1st Half

  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF: 351KB/13P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF: 786KB/22P)
  • Presentation Materials of Industrial Automation and Control Business - Advantages for expansion of our business - (PDF: 2,170KB/25P)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF: 287KB/12P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF: 1,110KB/18P)


Full Year

  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2012 (PDF: 556KB/32P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2012 (PDF: 589KB/23P)
  • Our Groupwide Approach for Fiscal Year 2013 (PDF: 732KB/18P)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012 (PDF: 289KB/12P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2012 (PDF: 771KB/21P)

1st Half

  • Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2012 (PDF: 321KB/12P)
  • Presentation Materials of Financial Results for 1st Half of Fiscal Year 2012 (PDF: 591KB/24P)
  • Presentation Materials of Industrial Automation and Control Business (PDF: 2,330KB/27P)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Statements (PDF: 355KB/14P)
  • Presentation Materials (PDF: 1,170KB/23P)


Full Year

  • Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2011 (PDF: 320KB/33P)
  • Presentation Materials (PDF: 520KB/23P)
  • Our Groupwide Approach for Fiscal Year 2012 (PDF: 1,053KB/15P)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Statements (PDF: 434KB/13P)
  • Presentation Materials (PDF: 460KB/23P)

1st Half

  • Financial Statements (PDF: 196KB/14P)
  • Presentation Materials (PDF: 456KB/22P)
  • Presentation Materials of Mid-term Business Plan for 2015 (PDF: 440KB/30P)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Statements (PDF: 189KB/14P)
  • Presentation Materials (PDF: 450KB/20P)


Full Year

  • Financial Statements (322KB)
  • Presentation Materials (420KB)
  • Our Groupwide Approach for Fiscal Year 2011 (228KB)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Statements (199KB)
  • Presentation Materials (298KB)
  • Progress of Structural Reform / FY2011 Business Portfolio (252KB)

1st Half

  • Financial Statements (176KB)
  • Presentation Materials (306KB)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Statements (247KB)
  • Presentation Materials (438KB)


Full Year

  • Financial Statements (296KB)
  • Presentation Materials (495KB)
  • FY2010 Management Policy - FY2009-2010 Action Plan Status Update / Next Steps (368KB)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Statements (207KB)
  • Presentation Materials (290KB)

1st Half

  • Financial Statements (175KB)
  • Presentation Materials (514KB)
  • FY2009 2nd half Management Policy - FY2009-2010 Action Plan Status Update / Next Steps (297KB)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Statements (150KB)
  • Presentation Materials (443KB)


Full Year

  • Financial Statements (284KB)
  • Presentation Materials (747KB)

3rd Quarter

1st Half

  • Financial Statements (171KB)
  • Presentation Materials (457KB)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Statements (269KB)
  • Presentation Materials (466KB)


Full Year

  • Financial Statements (193KB)
  • Presentation Materials (382KB)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Statements (130KB)
  • Presentation Materials (386KB)

1st Half

  • Financial Statements (112KB)
  • Presentation Materials (1,968KB)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Statements (130KB)
  • Presentation Materials (371KB)


Full Year

  • Financial Statements (247KB)
  • Presentation Materials (546KB)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Statements (148KB)
  • Presentation Materials (279KB)

1st Half

  • Financial Statements (279KB)
  • Presentation Materials (271KB)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Statements (48KB)
  • Presentation Materials (795KB)


Full Year

  • Financial Statements (103KB)
  • Presentation Materials (1,145KB)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Statements (53KB)
  • Presentation Materials (462KB)

1st Half

  • Financial Statements (160KB)
  • Presentation Materials (748KB)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Statements (47KB)
  • Presentation Materials (434KB)


Full Year

  • Financial Statements (119KB)
  • Presentation Materials (618KB)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Statements (42KB)
  • Presentation Materials (121KB)

1st Half

  • Financial Statements (23KB)
  • Presentation Materials (114KB)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Statements (24KB)
  • Presentation Materials (87KB)


Full Year

  • Financial Statements (108KB)
  • Presentation Materials (296KB)

3rd Quarter

  • Financial Statements (52KB)
  • Presentation Materials (197KB)

1st Half

  • Financial Statements (60KB)
  • Presentation Materials (241KB)

1st Quarter

  • Financial Statements (108KB)
  • Presentation Materials (300KB)


Full Year

  • Financial Statements (24KB)
  • Attached Sheets (120KB)
  • Presentation Materials (210KB)

1st Half

  • Financial Statements (98KB)
  • Attached Sheets (747KB)
  • Presentation Materials (508KB)


Full Year

  • Financial Statements (12KB)
  • Attached Sheets (126KB)
  • Presentation Materials (277KB)

1st Half

  • Financial Statements (104KB)
  • Attached Sheets (419KB)
  • Presentation Materials (366KB)


Full Year

  • Consolidated Financial Results Data (69KB)
  • Attached Sheets (126KB)

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