
Integrated Report(Yokogawa Report)

cover of 2023 Yokogawa report

  • 2023 Yokogawa Report (Facing page)[PDF: 17.4MB/79P]
  • 2023 Yokogawa Report (Single page)[PDF: 17.5MB/156P]

Guidance for Cllaborative Value Creation

  • Cover[PDF: 894KB]
  • Introduction[PDF: 1.33MB]
  • Contents[PDF: 49KB]

Chapter1 Message from the President and CEO[PDF: 490KB]

Chapter2 Value Creation Process

  • Value Creation Process[PDF: 687KB]
  • Yokogawa Group Identity[PDF: 101KB]
  • ESG Management[PDF: 378KB]
  • Sustainability Indicators and Targets[PDF: 309KB]
  • Dealing with a Changing Climate[PDF: 193KB]
  • Thoughts on ESG Management[PDF: 414KB]
  • Yokogawa’s Business[PDF: 1.2MB]
  • Business Activities
    Industrial Automation and Control Business: Energy & Sustainability Business / Materials Business / Life Business
    Measuring Instruments Business
    Activities in New Businesses and Others and Areas for Exploration[PDF: 1.2MB]

Chapter3 Management Strategy[PDF: 629KB]

  • Medium- to Long-Term Management Strategy[PDF: 382KB]
  • Medium-Term Business Plan Accelerate Growth 2023 Four Basic Strategies: Review[PDF: 139KB]
  • Review of Digital Transformation strategy[PDF: 174KB]
  • Special Feature: AI Solutions for Industrial Autonomy (IA2IA)[PDF: 220KB]
  • Reference Progress of Medium-Term Business Plan[PDF: 87KB]

Chapter4 Management Capital[PDF: 687KB]

  • Six Management Capitals as the Foundation of Value Creation[PDF: 89KB]
  • Human Capital[PDF: 304KB]
  • Intellectual Capital[PDF: 183KB]
  • Social Capital[PDF: 242KB]
  • Manufacturing Capital
  • Financial Capital[PDF: 234KB]

Chapter5 Corporate Governance

  • Basic Views on Corporate Governance/
    Continued Enhancement of Corporate Governance/
    Corporate Governance System[PDF: 695KB]
  • Special Feature: Round-Table Discussion with Outside Directors[PDF: 436KB]
  • Board of Directors / Board of Directors Evaluation / Audit & Supervisory Board/Management Board/Skill Matrix
  • Nomination Advisory Committee/Compensation Advisory Committee
  • Executive Compensation
  • Initiatives Related to Cross-Shareholdings[PDF: 183KB]
  • Directors/Audit & Supervisory Board Members/Vice President[PDF: 392KB]

Chapter6 Risk Management

  • Risks
  • Risk Management/Compliance
  • Internal Control/Respect for Human Rights[PDF: 589KB]
  • Health and Productivity Management/Occupational Health and Safety/Quality Management
  • Environmental Management/Information Security[PDF: 448KB]


  • Review of Fiscal Year 2022 and Forecast for Fiscal Year 2023[PDF: 166KB]
  • Financial Highlights[PDF: 115KB]
  • ESG Highlights[PDF: 65KB]
  • Consolidated 11-Year Summary[PDF: 58KB]
  • Risks Relating to the Group’s Business[PDF: 50KB]
  • Financial Section[PDF: 5.31MB]
  • Fiscal Year 2022 in Review
  • ESG Indexes/IR Activities[PDF: 202KB]
  • Corporate Data/Principal Subsidiaries and Affiliates/Stock Information
  • Editorial Policy[PDF: 302KB]


cover of 2022 Yokogawa report

2022 Yokogawa report

  • 2022 Yokogawa Report (Facing page)[PDF: 17.5MB/74P]
  • 2022 Yokogawa Report (Single page)[PDF: 19.1MB/146P]

Guidance for Cllaborative Value Creation


cover of 2021 Yokogawa report

2021 Yokogawa report

  • 2021 Yokogawa Report [PDF: 17.5MB/66P]

Guidance for Cllaborative Value Creation


cover of 2020 Yokogawa report

2020 Yokogawa report

  • 2020 Yokogawa Report (PDF: 19.8MB/67P)

Guidance for Cllaborative Value Creation


cover of 2019 Yokogawa report

2019 Yokogawa report

  • 2019 Yokogawa Report (PDF: 13.5MB/58P)

Guidance for Cllaborative Value Creation


cover of 2018 Yokogawa report

2018 Yokogawa report

  • 2018 Yokogawa Report (PDF: 18.1MB/51P)

Guidance for Cllaborative Value Creation


cover of 2017 Yokogawa report

2017 Yokogawa report

  • 2017 Yokogawa Report (PDF: 11.9MB/47P)


cover of 2016 Yokogawa report

2016 Yokogawa report

  • 2016 Yokogawa Report (PDF: 11.8MB/45P)


2015  Yokogawa report Cover

2015 Yokogawa report

  • 2015 Yokogawa Report (PDF: 17.9MB/76P)

*In 2015, Yokogawa switched from an annual report to an integrated report


2014 Annual report Cover

2014 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2014 (PDF: 2890KB/62P)


2013 Annual report Cover

2013 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2013 (PDF: 2608KB/62P)


2012 Annual report Cover

2012 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2012 (PDF: 5.2MB/62P)


2011 Annual report Cover

2011 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2011 (PDF: 4.7MB/60P)


2010 Annual report Cover

2010 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2010 (3.9MB)


2009 Annual report Cover

2009 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2009 (4.5MB)


2008 Annual report Cover

2008 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2008 (4.6MB)


2007 Annual report Cover

2007 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2007 (4.6MB)


2006 Annual report Cover

2006 Annual report


2005 Annual report Cover

2005 Annual report

  • Corporate Profile (3.0MB)
  • Financial Statement (190KB)


2004 Annual report Cover

2004 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2004 (885KB)


2003 Annual report Cover

2003 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2003 (885KB)


2002 Annual report Cover

2002 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2002 (1.2MB)


2001 Annual report Cover

2001 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2001 (1.1MB)


2000 Annual report Cover

2000 Annual report

  • Annual Report 2000 (531KB)


1999 Annual report Cover

1999 Annual report

  • Annual Report 1999 (689KB)


1998 Annual report Cover

1998 Annual report

  • Annual Report 1998 (891KB)

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